A Typical Meeting
Magnetic Minds Asheville meets weekly!
Saturdays, 2:00 - 3:30pm
(828) 367-7660
*** NOT an emergency number ***
Above all, we are a group of friendly people of all ages who know what it is like to struggle with mental illness and how beneficial it is to be around others that understand.
We exist to support people living with depression and bipolar disorder in Buncombe County and the surrounding region. We range in age from 18 to 80s! (18 and older only please.) We are of different cultures, races, orientations, backgrounds, and spiritual beliefs. Some of us are parents, some of us work and some of us live on disability. We all have one thing in common, our lives are affected by depression or bipolar disorder. During meetings, you may see someone crying, many times people are laughing, and the consensus is people nearly always feel better at the end of the meeting than they did when they walked in.
Each meeting begins with a welcome and reading of the group guidelines. We then go around and introduce ourselves however we wish. Frequently people will say their diagnosis. This helps the entire group know you a bit more and helps us better understand how you may need support. We also pass around an ask-it-basket where you can put topics you would like to see discussed into the mix to be voted upon.
During the initial very quick check-in, you can say if you need time during the meeting to talk. Just so you know, per our guidelines, you are not required to speak at meetings if you do not want to and you can come and go during meetings if you are feeling anxious or just want to take a break. No pressure! After introductions, announcements are made followed by the introduction of a topic.
We do not discuss religion or politics - with the occasional exception of governmental changes i.e. bills etc. that affect people with disabilities. We keep all group conversations related to mental illness or issues directly affecting a member. We ask that all communication be kept in "I statement" format. For example, rather than "You should try..." we prefer "I have found..." We don't aim to fix people. None of us are counseling professionals once we pass through the door regardless of who we are in our real lives. Be assured confidentiality is vital to the existence of our group. This means that what is said in group, stays in group. We are all keenly aware of the stigma that can come with our diagnoses.
You are not alone.